How To Soothe Painful Mouth Burns?

You were in a hurry and didn’t realise your coffee was too hot to drink? Well, not that you burnt your mouth, you are regretting about being so careless. That’s okay though, life isn’t always fair.

Mouth burns are a literal nightmare. They are painful and cause a lot of discomfort. You have to take care of the type of foods you have to eat unless the burn hasn’t healed. The tissues of your mouth are very delicate and getting exposed to high temperatures can burn it, just like any other part of your body would.

The damage is done, so what to do now about it?

You don’t need to go to a dentist for a mouth burn unless it is caused by acid swallowing or something serious. If it a regular hot beverage drink, you can manage it on your own. Here are some ways you can cure a mouth burn –

1. Keep a cold drink with you all the time
Avoid aerated drinks because it contains acid and it will further irritate the burn. They are also very high in sugar and can get the burned area infected with bacteria. Just some cold water will be perfect.

2. Eat some ice cream
Well, finally a dentist blog that advocates the need for ice creams! Milk and milk products help in faster healing but that doesn’t mean you binge eat ice cream. The relief will be temporary but at least better than nothing.

3. Avoid any irritants
Avoid consuming alcohol, spicy and hot food, coffee, citrus fruits and products,sour patch, coffee, tomato, soft drinks, cinnamon-containing foods, salty, and acid foods. Also avoid crusty foods like grilled sandwich, crunchy apples, and raw carrot. Consume foods that you can gulp easily. It seems like you just got a reason to eat some pasta and smoothies.

4. Pain relievers
Only if the pain is too high and you can’t bear it any more, take either paracetamol or ibuprofen. Limit to only one tablet a day. It will reduce inflammation and swelling and make you feel better.

5. Gargle with Benzocaine
Gargle with benzocaine twice a day. Ask your pharmacist to suggest you a good one. It desensitizes the burnt area so you can consume solid food. Even though after gargling with it, you can drink any kind of drinks, avoid doing so.

6. Mouth rinse
Rinse your mouth with a fluoride-based antiseptic mouth rinse twice a day to keep the burnt area clean of any bacteria and germs. It will also reduce pain.

Preventing further mouth burns

Now that you’ve got a good taste about how a mouth burn feels, be careful the next time around. Because the previously burnt area is always going to be sensitive, be careful while drinking hot drinks and eating hot foods as the mouth burn can reappear in the same place.