Choosing The Right Mouth Rinse For You: Top Tips

According to Oral Health Foundation, only 31 per cent of the people around the world use a mouth rinse. Most people consider brushing teeth with toothpaste is enough and choose not to use a mouth rinse. It is an important part of a daily oral dental regime.
When you visit the pharmacy oral health section, you will be confused to choose from the plenty of options available. It is a huge decision as similar as buying a cereal. A good mouth rinse is affordable, effective, and suits your needs the best.
The Top Reasons You Need a Good Mouthwash
Every mouth rinse is different and serves for different issues, so first identify what is your problem. Some of the oral issues that require you to use a mouth rinse are –
1. Dental cavity and dry mouth
Both these issues are caused due to bacterial overgrowth. Avoid alcohol-based mouth rinse as it will further dry your mouth. Use a fluoride-based mouth rinse for both dental cavities and dry mouth. It effectively fights cavity-causing bacteria and helps in saliva production.
2. Sensitive gums
To help relieve sensitivity in gums, use a natural, alcohol-free mouth rinse twice a day. A mouth rinse containing arginine will help to reduce the sensitivity.
3. Plaque
Choose a mouth rinse containing active ingredients including thymol, cetylpyridinium chloride, and triclosan if you have recurring dental build-up.
4. For everyday use
You can use any type of mouth rinse you like, however avoid using an alcohol-based mouth rinse. Any mouth rinse containing sodium fluoride is best for everyday use.
When to you a mouth rinse in your oral health regime?
Ideally, use a mouth rinse at the end of your regime after you are done brushing and flossing your teeth. An efficient dental routine involves doing the entire regime twice a day, preferably once in the morning and one in the night.
You work for long hours and it isn’t convenient for you to use a toothbrush after lunch at office, carry a fluoride mouth rinse with you. It will keep your breath fresh and void of any food odor. A cosmetic mouth rinse isn’t ideal because it only makes you teeth look whiter and give your breath a minty smell but helps very little in maintaining overall dental health.
American Dental Association’s Seal of Approval
Manufacturers may write unreal claims on the packaging and most of us fall for it. If you want a good mouth rinse, ask your dentist because he obviously knows a lot more than all of us. Don’t be hesitant and hide your issues from the dentist – it’s a good idea to visit one once every six months.
Mouth rinse is an important part of your dental health kit, so make sure you only use what you need. If you are confused, a visit to your nearest dentist can help you make the right decision.